TPMP is a not-for-profit organisation. We rely upon the generosity of donors to help us meet our goals, by covering on-going administrative and campaign costs. Rest assured - every donation is most gratefully received and will directly contribute to our Mission of protecting our surrounding marine environment. 
TPMP welcomes new members!
We are looking to grow our membership to represent our community and have a voice with government and other stakeholders. We rely upon the dedication of each valued member to contribute to the protection and sustainability of the marine environment. Upon joining our team, we ask that you acknowledge our Mission and observe our Charter. There is a small, annual membership fee.
At TPMP our small yet growing team has many opportunities to volunteer your time and skills! We acknowledge everyone has a part to play. You can contribute as much or little time as you like! Of course, we acknowledge there is much hard work ahead but together our collective efforts can help achieve our goals. Join with other dedicated volunteers and help us make a difference!